translate the following shader to our format: /*originals "Voyager" by @kishimisu (2024) - and*/ #define N_BOXES 10. #define ROTATION 1 #define DEPTH 5. mat2 rot(float a) { float s = sin(a); float c = cos(a); return mat2(c, -s, s, c); } float sdBox( in vec2 p, in vec2 b ) { vec2 d = abs(p)-b; return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); } float periphery(vec2 p, float s) { float per; float t = iTime * .1 + ((.25 + .05 * sin(iTime * .1))/(length(p.xy) + .117)) * 2.2; float si = sin(t); float co = cos(t); mat2 ma = mat2(co, si, -si, co); for (float i=1.; i<N_BOXES+1.; i++) { vec2 p0 = p; float a = radians(20./N_BOXES) *i; float mean = (N_BOXES+DEPTH*i)*.4; float box = sdBox(p0, vec2(s)*ma); float gamma = mean * 1e-4*.7; box = gamma/abs(box); per += box; } return per; } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec3 tc, c; vec2 p = (fragCoord -.5* iResolution.xy) / iResolution.y; vec3 p2, q, f = vec3(.2, 2,.2); vec4 O = fragColor; vec2 F= fragCoord; vec2 R = iResolution.xy, u = abs(F+F-R)/R.y; float i, t, d, n, T = -iTime; for (O *= i; i++ < 50.; p2 = q = t * normalize(vec3(u * mat2(cos(T/16. + vec4(0,33,11,0))), 1)) ) n = tan(p2.z*0.5 - T*.05) * .5 + .5, p2.y += 1. + q.z * sin(T/6.) * .2 - n, t += d = length(p2= mod(p2, f+f) - f) - .1, O += .27 * pow(n, 5.) / ++d * (1. + cos( length(q*1.7) * .2 + length(u) * 3. - T / 1.4 )); float td; for (float i=0.; i<DEPTH; i+=.45) { float size = pow(0.25*O.y, i); float per = periphery(p, size); td += per; } c = vec3(DEPTH*0.2); tc += c*td*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); fragColor = vec4(tc, 1.); } Interactive Elements


whale shark vibes but still space y2k Sparkling Particles


sun sparkles in water Specular Highlights



being lost Fog Effect


Subsurface Scattering


hyperreal geometry Fractal patterns


translate the following shader to our format: /*originals "Voyager" by @kishimisu (2024) - and*/ #define N_BOXES 10. #define ROTATION 1 #define DEPTH 5. mat2 rot(float a) { float s = sin(a); float c = cos(a); return mat2(c, -s, s, c); } float sdBox( in vec2 p, in vec2 b ) { vec2 d = abs(p)-b; return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); } float periphery(vec2 p, float s) { float per; float t = iTime * .1 + ((.25 + .05 * sin(iTime * .1))/(length(p.xy) + .117)) * 2.2; float si = sin(t); float co = cos(t); mat2 ma = mat2(co, si, -si, co); for (float i=1.; i<N_BOXES+1.; i++) { vec2 p0 = p; float a = radians(20./N_BOXES) *i; float mean = (N_BOXES+DEPTH*i)*.4; float box = sdBox(p0, vec2(s)*ma); float gamma = mean * 1e-4*.7; box = gamma/abs(box); per += box; } return per; } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec3 tc, c; vec2 p = (fragCoord -.5* iResolution.xy) / iResolution.y; vec3 p2, q, f = vec3(.2, 2,.2); vec4 O = fragColor; vec2 F= fragCoord; vec2 R = iResolution.xy, u = abs(F+F-R)/R.y; float i, t, d, n, T = -iTime; for (O *= i; i++ < 50.; p2 = q = t * normalize(vec3(u * mat2(cos(T/16. + vec4(0,33,11,0))), 1)) ) n = tan(p2.z*0.5 - T*.05) * .5 + .5, p2.y += 1. + q.z * sin(T/6.) * .2 - n, t += d = length(p2= mod(p2, f+f) - f) - .1, O += .27 * pow(n, 5.) / ++d * (1. + cos( length(q*1.7) * .2 + length(u) * 3. - T / 1.4 )); float td; for (float i=0.; i<DEPTH; i+=.45) { float size = pow(0.25*O.y, i); float per = periphery(p, size); td += per; } c = vec3(DEPTH*0.2); tc += c*td*vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); fragColor = vec4(tc, 1.); } DynamicColors


Water Ripples


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