
translate the following shader to our format: vec3 palette(float d){ return mix(vec3(0.2,0.7,0.9),vec3(1.,0.,1.),d); } vec2 rotate(vec2 p,float a){ float c = cos(a); float s = sin(a); return p*mat2(c,s,-s,c); } float map(vec3 p){ for( int i = 0; i<8; ++i){ float t = iTime*0.2; p.xz =rotate(p.xz,t); p.xy =rotate(p.xy,t*1.89); p.xz = abs(p.xz); p.xz-=.5; } return dot(sign(p),p)/5.; } vec4 rm (vec3 ro, vec3 rd){ float t = 0.; vec3 col = vec3(0.); float d; for(float i =0.; i<64.; i++){ vec3 p = ro + rd*t; d = map(p)*.5; if(d<0.02){ break; } if(d>100.){ break; } //col+=vec3(0.6,0.8,0.8)/(400.*(d)); col+=palette(length(p)*.1)/(400.*(d)); t+=d; } return vec4(col,1./(d*100.)); } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = (fragCoord-(iResolution.xy/2.))/iResolution.x; vec3 ro = vec3(0.,0.,-50.); ro.xz = rotate(ro.xz,iTime); vec3 cf = normalize(-ro); vec3 cs = normalize(cross(cf,vec3(0.,1.,0.))); vec3 cu = normalize(cross(cf,cs)); vec3 uuv = ro+cf*3. + uv.x*cs + uv.y*cu; vec3 rd = normalize(uuv-ro); vec4 col = rm(ro,rd); fragColor = col; } /** SHADERDATA { "title": "fractal pyramid", "description": "", "model": "car" } */ Rotation speed


Joyful Bloom


Glowing Intentions


translate the following shader to our format: vec3 palette(float d){ return mix(vec3(0.2,0.7,0.9),vec3(1.,0.,1.),d); } vec2 rotate(vec2 p,float a){ float c = cos(a); float s = sin(a); return p*mat2(c,s,-s,c); } float map(vec3 p){ for( int i = 0; i<8; ++i){ float t = iTime*0.2; p.xz =rotate(p.xz,t); p.xy =rotate(p.xy,t*1.89); p.xz = abs(p.xz); p.xz-=.5; } return dot(sign(p),p)/5.; } vec4 rm (vec3 ro, vec3 rd){ float t = 0.; vec3 col = vec3(0.); float d; for(float i =0.; i<64.; i++){ vec3 p = ro + rd*t; d = map(p)*.5; if(d<0.02){ break; } if(d>100.){ break; } //col+=vec3(0.6,0.8,0.8)/(400.*(d)); col+=palette(length(p)*.1)/(400.*(d)); t+=d; } return vec4(col,1./(d*100.)); } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = (fragCoord-(iResolution.xy/2.))/iResolution.x; vec3 ro = vec3(0.,0.,-50.); ro.xz = rotate(ro.xz,iTime); vec3 cf = normalize(-ro); vec3 cs = normalize(cross(cf,vec3(0.,1.,0.))); vec3 cu = normalize(cross(cf,cs)); vec3 uuv = ro+cf*3. + uv.x*cs + uv.y*cu; vec3 rd = normalize(uuv-ro); vec4 col = rm(ro,rd); fragColor = col; } /** SHADERDATA { "title": "fractal pyramid", "description": "", "model": "car" } */ Depth Fog


have it zoom in and out once in a while Ease-in-out


Neon Glow


translate the following shader to our format: vec3 palette(float d){ return mix(vec3(0.2,0.7,0.9),vec3(1.,0.,1.),d); } vec2 rotate(vec2 p,float a){ float c = cos(a); float s = sin(a); return p*mat2(c,s,-s,c); } float map(vec3 p){ for( int i = 0; i<8; ++i){ float t = iTime*0.2; p.xz =rotate(p.xz,t); p.xy =rotate(p.xy,t*1.89); p.xz = abs(p.xz); p.xz-=.5; } return dot(sign(p),p)/5.; } vec4 rm (vec3 ro, vec3 rd){ float t = 0.; vec3 col = vec3(0.); float d; for(float i =0.; i<64.; i++){ vec3 p = ro + rd*t; d = map(p)*.5; if(d<0.02){ break; } if(d>100.){ break; } //col+=vec3(0.6,0.8,0.8)/(400.*(d)); col+=palette(length(p)*.1)/(400.*(d)); t+=d; } return vec4(col,1./(d*100.)); } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = (fragCoord-(iResolution.xy/2.))/iResolution.x; vec3 ro = vec3(0.,0.,-50.); ro.xz = rotate(ro.xz,iTime); vec3 cf = normalize(-ro); vec3 cs = normalize(cross(cf,vec3(0.,1.,0.))); vec3 cu = normalize(cross(cf,cs)); vec3 uuv = ro+cf*3. + uv.x*cs + uv.y*cu; vec3 rd = normalize(uuv-ro); vec4 col = rm(ro,rd); fragColor = col; } /** SHADERDATA { "title": "fractal pyramid", "description": "", "model": "car" } */ Detail refinement



click to explore, then edit